Samaisen hipin kanssa muutaman vanhan tutun etsimistä.
"Hey man, how'd you meet these dudes anyway?"
The Truth:
"I met them at the '89 FIerro Love-in, apparently.
The Truth:
"Yeah, you know how it is, man.
A field of tents, crazy-assed music, a quart of mescaline vodka, polar bears...
The Truth:
"Yeah, go figure. But they were funny guys man, great sense of humor.
You in dude?"
"Do polar bears shit in the woods?"
The Truth:
"No, but they've been known to shit in the liquor tent, If i remember it right.
Can we swing by the hospital? It is over in Santa Flora District, west of here."
"Yeah, you sick?"
The Truth:
"No. The government is, but that is a long story."
"You on drugs again?"
The Truth:
"Now, what if I told you we never went to the moon, JFK lives in Scotland with Janis Joplin and the only reason we have been in cold war is that because snake-headed alien run the oil business?"
"I'd said you are on drugs again."
The Truth:
"Good. Keep it that way."