


Tääl o vaa kuvii

:D:DD hei nyt kaikkiTorstai 06.05.2010 22:43

mikä näistä olen sinulle?
+ = tuttu
♥ = kaveri
♥♥ = tärkeä
♥♥♥ = tosi tärkeä
♥♥♥♥ = rakas
♥♥♥♥♥ = tosi rakas

Israaaeeel!!2008!!!!! eurovisoooon!Torstai 06.05.2010 20:09

da rel shitTorstai 06.05.2010 20:00

En ehkä ole söpö, en seksikäs,
en omaa täydellistä vartaloa,
en ole hyvännäköinen enkä miehekäs,
enkä ole naisten ensimmäinen valinta.
Mutta minä piruvie olen minä itse!
Ei ole olemassa ketään toista samanlaista kuin minä.
Kopioi omaan blogiisi, jos olet oma itsesi

Mc Megis - Randomess rapTorstai 06.05.2010 19:58

Mc megis - Randomess Rap

1 2 3 why do u re still here ?

I am funny,I like bunnies, Touch my tummy, i am n Mummy and I take a beat and loop it, I take a beat and choop it,Choop it? What does that mean?I donÂ’t know but i got fat jeans on, And I already said that,I donÂ’t know where my headÂ’s at,IÂ’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
This is Lord of the Rings, youÂ’re the hobbit, IÂ’m the wizard

IÂ’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
A rebel since I was five, went running with scissors,Fast? Son, that ain’t fast—
IÂ’m rising faster than the price of gasGot no girlfriend, and girls are good for your health,
Know what I mean? Uh, at least I work for myself,
You see me here, kid, and I rhyme crazy,
Used to have a job reading to a rich blind lady,
You rhyme crazy, and sometimes you rhyme lazy,
But I love this rap game, ‘cause rhyming is my baby,
Visually, lyrically IÂ’m known as a mystery,
YÂ’all couldnÂ’t even see me on HDTV,
I am funny,
I like bunnies,
Touch my tummy,
I take a beat and loop it,
I take a beat and choop it,
Choop it? What does that mean?
I donÂ’t know but I got fat jeans on,
And I already said that,
I donÂ’t know where my headÂ’s at,
IÂ’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
This is Lord of the Rings, youÂ’re the hobbit, IÂ’m the wizard,

IÂ’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
A rebel since I was five, went running with scissors,

Maybe you should have come here rocking a better flannel,
Or at least some long pants,
You should have checked the weather channel.

IÂ’m sharp as Samurai swordsÂ…
IÂ’m extra sharp like cheddarÂ…
IÂ’m sharp as a Schick QuattroÂ…

You big now, but you ‘bout to get cut down,
Faster than Star Jones dropping 200 pounds

I recently heard an emcee reference soaring gas prices:

Fast? Son, that ain’t fast—
IÂ’m rising faster than the price of gas
Got no girlfriend, and girls are good for your health,
Know what I mean? Uh, at least I work for myself,
You see me here, kid, and I rhyme crazy,
Used to have a job reading to a rich blind lady,
You rhyme crazy, and sometimes you rhyme lazy,
But I love this rap game, ‘cause rhyming is my baby,
Visually, lyrically IÂ’m known as a mystery,
YÂ’all couldnÂ’t even see me on HDTV,
I know youÂ’ve had a tough year and had some crappy luck,
But why you gotta wear a shirt with Daffy Duck?

Mc Megis - Randomess rapTorstai 06.05.2010 02:24

Mc megis - Randomess Rap

1 2 3 why do u re still here ?

I am funny,I like bunnies, Touch my tummy, i am n Mummy and I take a beat and loop it, I take a beat and choop it,Choop it? What does that mean?I donÂ’t know but i got fat jeans on, And I already said that,I donÂ’t know where my headÂ’s at,IÂ’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
This is Lord of the Rings, youÂ’re the hobbit, IÂ’m the wizard

IÂ’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
A rebel since I was five, went running with scissors,Fast? Son, that ain’t fast—
IÂ’m rising faster than the price of gasGot no girlfriend, and girls are good for your health,
Know what I mean? Uh, at least I work for myself,
You see me here, kid, and I rhyme crazy,
Used to have a job reading to a rich blind lady,
You rhyme crazy, and sometimes you rhyme lazy,
But I love this rap game, ‘cause rhyming is my baby,
Visually, lyrically IÂ’m known as a mystery,
YÂ’all couldnÂ’t even see me on HDTV,
I am funny,
I like bunnies,
Touch my tummy,
I take a beat and loop it,
I take a beat and choop it,
Choop it? What does that mean?
I donÂ’t know but I got fat jeans on,
And I already said that,
I donÂ’t know where my headÂ’s at,
IÂ’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
This is Lord of the Rings, youÂ’re the hobbit, IÂ’m the wizard,

IÂ’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard,
A rebel since I was five, went running with scissors,

Maybe you should have come here rocking a better flannel,
Or at least some long pants,
You should have checked the weather channel.

IÂ’m sharp as Samurai swordsÂ…
IÂ’m extra sharp like cheddarÂ…
IÂ’m sharp as a Schick QuattroÂ…

You big now, but you ‘bout to get cut down,
Faster than Star Jones dropping 200 pounds

I recently heard an emcee reference soaring gas prices:

Fast? Son, that ain’t fast—
IÂ’m rising faster than the price of gas
Got no girlfriend, and girls are good for your health,
Know what I mean? Uh, at least I work for myself,
You see me here, kid, and I rhyme crazy,
Used to have a job reading to a rich blind lady,
You rhyme crazy, and sometimes you rhyme lazy,
But I love this rap game, ‘cause rhyming is my baby,
Visually, lyrically IÂ’m known as a mystery,
YÂ’all couldnÂ’t even see me on HDTV,
I know youÂ’ve had a tough year and had some crappy luck,
But why you gotta wear a shirt with Daffy Duck?

Mc Megis - TissitKeskiviikko 05.05.2010 20:37

Mc Megis - Tissit!

Poijat tykää tisseist juokse muru juokse poppita sun tissit mun ja tiseijen ei mikää tuu välii ku sä
riisuuut sun paidas ja oot sellane pikku tuhmaliini joka pomppii ku video pätkä joka on sellane pikku tissi niinku
lissu tissit ja pikku muuhki munkkit niitä ku puristaa sa taikaaa ja ku munkki opn munkki ni tissit on puristeluks
näen tisseist uni ota paidas pois nii otan kuvii tisseit mull seinäs nään nii sellast mitä te että ku oon sellane tuhmiliini ja ku meitsi
chekcaa niiden koko abc ei o välii kauan ku sä riisut ja annat niiden pomppii ja mun hiaroo mutt pää asia et saan kuitenki nhä ne
sellaset siilkkonit on paskoija ei tarvi ku munkki ah ei oo parempaa ku muija sonni eli anna niiden sun tissit pompii hei beibe nyt juokse et pääsen tisseihin välii
ah iha nyt kunolla.. Poijat tykkä poijat tykkäää poijat tykkää tisseistäää!! hei beibe anna sun rinnat pomppiii!

Mc Megis

Anteeks ku häiritsen oon ollu kauan yksi maas ja kaipaan takas sun lue vhä aika sit oltii ja kaikki on pois hetkelle ja olti chillamas
kaikialla ja aina olti frendei ja vhä enemä mutt muistaktko tähdet ja ku aina olti kavereit ja nyt kaikki on poissa vain hetkessä en halunu
satutta sua mutt ku kaikki hyppäs pikasta pikaaan mut silti nyt oot poissa ja en tiedä minne jumala sutt vei mutt ainaki pois heikolta jäältä

:DKeskiviikko 05.05.2010 10:35

Jeeij mikä pellee eli hu0hKeskiviikko 05.05.2010 10:05

justin bieber(16) raiskasi viime viikon perjantai iltana viattoman tytön (8v),verikokeet todistivat että justin bieber oli käyttänyt kokaiinia ja amfetamiinia,poliisi epäilee että bieber oli tehnyt tämän keikka paineiden takia john snowgoos raportoi ny:n sanmoissa

:DTiistai 04.05.2010 21:36

1.2.3 look at the tree it blue lik mee runnin with fee when i am chillin in hills smokin brill without wheels jumping at the street walkin in with a beat trying to get high soo nobody gets a tie but me lalal lalla runniin at the street so u get freaky with meh babe lets go .. soo pary like a animal this is it chill with it so 1.2.3 look at me se it green :D