


tylsäää! X<

What kind of choclate are you?Maanantai 18.06.2007 17:03

You are Milk Chocolate

A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.

mul oli taas vaihteeks vähä tylsää ennen teoria koet... ja vähä jänskättiki enkä sit viittiny koko ajan tehdä harjotus tehtävii :P

oli taas ylihauskaa....Maanantai 18.06.2007 03:36

mun hobitti nimi on
Rybrylla Proudfoot of Westmarch

mun haltia nimi on
Hiothiel Hidden QUeen

mun kääpiö nimi on
Cearka , Queen of the Glittering Caves

mun ihmis nimi on
Cadade Elros

mun velho nimi on
Alatar , Lady of Balrogs

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 18.06.2007 03:23

rokkistara nimi on

Cammi Page


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 18.06.2007 03:20

mul on monta kiinalaist nimee :E

ekaks on niinku mitä ne kuvaa mussa :3

Personal Character and Skill
Xun Aimao (ai=love, be fond of, like; mao=thick, lush, dense, talented)

Wealth and Fortune
Shi Aiman (ai=lush; affable, friendly; man=overflow)

Beauty and Appearence
Song Aimu (ai=love, be fond of, like; mu=long for, desire, admire)

Mind and Intelligence
Shen Enmeng (en=kindness, mercy, charity; meng=dream, visionary, wishful)

Strength and Power
Xu Enman (en=kindness, mercy, charity; man=overflow)

ja sit mä oon kans toi lohikäärme mut sen mä jo oikeestaan jo tiesinki :D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 18.06.2007 03:06

mul on nyt sit gangasta nimikmi :P

Black Tang Chasa


jooo........................Maanantai 18.06.2007 03:02

mun keiju nimi on

Moth Cornwand

She is a creator of bounty and harvest.
She lives close to crystal caverns and stalagtite grottos.
She is only seen when the seer holds a four-leafed clover.
She collects crystals to wear on her dresses. She has butterfly wings the colour of yellow corn.

no-lifeMaanantai 18.06.2007 02:59

mun pokemon on


You live in the blazing deserts of Cameroon, and your diet consists mostly of small rodents, insects and tea.

(Combat and Non-combat)
You can walk on air. You can puke Dr. Pepper. You have bionic implants. You can spit jet fuel. You can walk on maple syrup. You can resist lava. You have spikes running down your back.

mul on tosi jänskä pokemopn :P

lisää lisää!!!Maanantai 18.06.2007 02:57

pakana nimi

Amethyst Alwyn Mist

mun prisonbitch nimi

Honey Hole

oonX vähä hyvä jedi xDMaanantai 18.06.2007 02:41

Cast off your old name!
Your Jedi name is SJöEM KIKUU of the planet Burana!

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Magdalene Beau Pre

Known in some parts of the world as:
Lodemai of The Horned One

The Great Archives Record:
Sworn to one more ancient than the devil.

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