


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

ThinspirationMaanantai 31.03.2008 02:25

I see you
Through my arms
You are my waveform
I touch you with my voice
By choice

This time I will not break us
This time I will change you
This time I'll succeed

You are my inspiration
My life, continuation
You are the reason I exist still
I will become so pretty
For you, oh so pretty
You are my inspiration
You are my thinspiration

This time I'll evolve
I'm still a cocoon
But I'm gonna be a butterfly

I see you;
The mirror
You are my waveform
I touch you with my voice

You are my inspiration
My life, continuation
You are the reason I exist still
I will become so pretty
For myself, so very pretty
You are my inspiration

You are my inspiration
My life, continuation
You are the reason I exist still
I will become so pretty
I will become so skinny
You are my inspiration
You are my thinspiration


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