


they said your father was a great man, you must be whats left

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:D true storyLauantai 08.06.2013 15:15

Hml - Karjaa - Turku - HmlMaanantai 29.04.2013 20:51

Oli taas hauska lähtee vetää pientä roadtrippii aluks lauantain karjaalle aivan mahtaviin juhliin ja tarkistaa millasta siel tää yö elämä on :D ja siit sit aamul kunnon white trash grilli meiningit ennen turkuu lähtöä kattoo kavereit. kokonaisuudes matkaa tuli se 520km ::D samal tuli testattua tää uus audiki <3

SWAGSunnuntai 23.09.2012 22:49

The most used word in the whole fucking universe. Douche bags use it, your kids use it, your mail man uses it, and your fucking dog uses it. If you got swag, you generally wear those shitty hats side way, and your ass hanging out like a fucking goof cause your pants are half way down your white ass legs. To break down the word, it means (Secretly We Are Gay). It is also a word that means to represent yourself/ the way you represent yourself, baggy clothes, shitty hats, small penis and basically a way to say your afraid to come out of the closet.

Ei mulla muuta :---DSunnuntai 16.09.2012 14:46


-Lauantai 04.08.2012 03:08


RandomMaanantai 07.05.2012 05:49

put up your glasses, fill em up with wine
I'm gonna buy the next round, let's swig some vodka lime
come on, get wasted, let's have a party through the night
we're gonna destroy ourselves to feel alive

Ei mul muuta :DDPerjantai 30.03.2012 03:04

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