


Salaisuuksista parhain

EnglishSunnuntai 02.04.2006 13:01

Type your FIRST REACTION - GUT REACTION PEOPLE! - when you hear these 35 words:

1. I need some: love

2. Sex: not at the moment

3. Relationships: great, wonderful

4. Your Last Ex: what about my ex ?

5. Power: of love

6. Marijuana: maybe

7. Crack: no

8. Food: starving

9. The President: Pelle for president

10. War: boring

11. Cars: cool

12. Gas Prices: depends

13. Halloween: interesting

14. Politics: awful

15. Religion: not important

16. MySpace: yes

17. Worst Fear: not gonna tell you

18. Marriage: i dont think so

19. Fashion: no thanks

20. Brunettes: good

21. Redheads: good

22: Work: head over feet

23: Music: more !

24: Football: and alcohol

25. One night stands: not that interesting

26: Pet Peeve: what ?

27: pixie stick: w-w-w-what ?

28: Ice Cream: Chocolate

29: Porta Potties: No

30: High school: Shit

31: Pajamas: Too hot

32. Wood: fire

33. Bodyboarders: whatever

34. Pictures: funny

35. Friends: great

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