(00:23:40) (Bretu) damn, i'm failz0r :<
(00:23:46) (ddrj) fail 4 life
(00:23:52) (Bretu) nolife 4 life
(00:23:58) (ddrj) LOL
(00:24:26) (justSTEP) lol
(00:24:38) • ddrj adds Bretu's quote to his quotebot
(00:26:12) (Bretu) I'm so beguiled, ddrj
(00:26:18) (ddrj) wat the
(00:26:22) (ddrj) why u using such big words
(00:26:39) (ddrj) i am just gonna skip over anyword that is more than 5 letters long
(00:27:00) (Bretu) Hmmmm
(00:27:03) (NaiWiste) ddrj, vocabualary is not your greatest strengths
(00:27:10) (Bretu) cuz i dont spek eng..
(00:27:14) (Bretu) aight?
(00:27:20) (NaiWiste) lol wut?
(00:27:21) (OsbyNutta) lololololololololololol
(00:27:25) (kr4y) w000t
(00:27:33) (ddrj) wat the
(00:27:34) (kr4y) pwned by a non english speakar
(00:28:05) • Bretu lold
Boh? Yah yoh! BOH! BOH!
(03:31:56) (Bretu) i'm not that dumb actually
FUCKING W0000000000RD! :D We just need freedom, fellaz!