


My heart is just too dark to care about yu.
Don't waste your life for nothing.

'Cause I'm not a pawn for you to play in your fucking game.

I believe your love, I breathe your love.

Love don't let me go.

Baby when the lights go out, I need you.

You so pretty in your pain.

It's true, we're all a little insane.

It seems I'm crying about nothing,or maybe it's something I kept inside of myself.

No, no, you know, it will always just be me.

With a gun to your head, Just pull the trigger please.

The fact is everyone bleeds when they shave.

But my bleeding mind would hopefully return before the day I entered death.

So fuck you I'll make my own plan.

How do you feel? That is the question.

I have to stand up to be stronger.


End of story.

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