Dan, you've been a fascinating teacher over the 5th and 6th grade and they've been wonderful, unforgettable years for us...THANKYOU
Pauliina, you were our optimistic and loving teacher from 1st to 4th grade...THANKYOU
Also we'd like to thank all the other teachers who have taught and helped us along the was.
We wouldn't be satnding here without our supportive and caring parents... thankyou soooo much.
Finally our classmates and friends. We'll miss each one of you and we want to thank you all.
It's been awesome with you guys. Goodbye
We've laughed, cried and experienced so much together, when life was hard you made me laugh and smile...Thanks. With your help I've grown and learned from life and I want to thank you all for all these moments!
--sanottii toi puhe aurean kaa tnää koulus

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