


What ever make's u happy (;<3

.Lauantai 12.06.2010 19:27

I don't know why you're trying
What's the use is fighting
I just wish you would disappear
So I won't remember
How I once surrendered
To a love that just left me here
none of them smiles
which is why every night and every day
These eyes cry
where you see yourself now
Opposite to the eyes that one day I saw
I turn my back and here is a few steps
and take the second course
while my mouth says never again
Oh Lord, please let the sun
Shine on me again
I may be a fool, don't you know
But I need you baby
And they say that life goes on
And you must be strong
But you know, there is something wrong
All the beauty's gone
Do you know what it's like
When it falls on you
You'll try to carry on
But you've come undone
And I'm not the one

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