
Thank you for loving meTiistai 09.01.2007 21:21

So I can't find the words and it's easier for me this way. I wanna thank all my friends for pulling me off this pain. I know you carried me all the way and you are the sole reason I am still alive. I will be stronger and I will become as strong as I was and as you know I've been. I will cherish you because of the help you've given me. I am ready to be your support again now that this is over. Thank you for making me see I was not the one to feel ashamed of myself. I'm getting back on track now to tell you I will never leave you alone. Life could never have given me anything more valuable, dear and beautiful than our friendship. This one goes out to the one I love. As well as the ones who have not been so close to me but still supported me and took my side. Every second and conversation has pulled me apart of the pain and misery. Thank you for letting me talk it all over and over again ( I guess you must be used to my talking). Thank you for listening and thank you for the shoulder to cry on and the arms I could always come to. Nothing compares to you and I would be nothing without you.

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