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No joo, siis toisaalta... Maanantai 17.08.2009 02:34

South Italy (Lovino Vargas):
The pasta-and-women-loving, kinda grumpy-looking older Italian brother.
He often charges at the questionably bad Germany who is often between the two siblings, but compared to his appearance, he’s a coward and a useless crybaby who can’t do anything important.

Because of the time when Spain was his leader, he kind of takes after Spain on culture, customs and religion.
Because he’s undermined by the Mafia, he sees the world in a very slanted view.
He’s pretty frivolous in front of girls, but as for guys…
There’s the physiological phenomenon when you pull on his curl and he says “chigigi”.

Joo, ei mulla oo taaskaan parempaa tekemistä ku ottaa quizzeij 8--D

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