

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited
A little in pain, tell me
What am I gonna say when I find
The centre of my heart is a suburb to the brain

You wear them so well
Those innocent eyes
YouÂ’re putting on a wonderful disguise
I want you so bad
IÂ’m pushing my luck
It feels like being hit by a truck
This is no place special
DonÂ’t know why I came
If someone has a minute
WonÂ’t you explain

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited
A little in pain, tell me
What am I gonna say when I find
The centre of my heart is a suburb to the brain

SinginÂ’ na nana nana na
Na nana nana na

Being with you
Dealing with fire
I want you come around
(Come out)
Come out
And play
(I want you so bad)
Answer my calls
LetÂ’s spend the night
Within these walls
This is no place special
Nothing for the same
(Nothing for the same)
If someoneÂ’s got a minute
Do please explain

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited
A little in pain, tell me
What am I gonna say when I find
The centre of my heart is a suburb to the brain

SinginÂ’ na nana nana na
Na nana nana na

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited
A little in pain, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited
A little in pain, tell me
What am I gonna say when I find
The centre of my heart is a suburb to the brain

SinginÂ’ na nana nana na
Na nana nana na

What am I gonna do when I get a little excited

What am I gonna say when I find
The centre of my heart is a suburb to the brain

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