
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

  • - Shake it 19.04.
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  • - 17.06.
  • - 07.06.
  • - 07.06.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 31.03.2010 22:39

I know you know the lady was a 10 out of 10
She was a knockout!
Everybody knew about the two of you,
And why a son of a gun like you let her go!

If you can't treat your lady with respect,
You're not a true man for her
Hand her over to real men, to somebody who cares
Who respect her!

Oh Romeo, where do you have your Juliet?
Romeo, wheres your girlfriend?
Where is your little pretty girlfriend?
Oh Romeo, how could you do this to her?!

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