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-Tiistai 21.09.2010 19:48

I thought you said it would be you and me forever… I thought you said you’d never leave… You said you’d never stop loving me, and I believed you. But then one day, you walked away… I don’t know what went wrong… I wanted to stop you, but I wasn’t sure I could… or if I even should…
There have been times in the past when you walked away from me but you always came back… But now it’s different… I have this hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach, that this time, you’ll be gone for good… And it hurts… To watch the man I love leaving… To watch my baby walk away from me… But I know you had to…
When you walked away… I felt no bitterness or regret as I slowly watched your back disappear from view… What I felt was bittersweet longing of a love that once was, but never will be again… And now you’re gone to a place where I couldn’t be with you… Where all our memories will, from now on, only be from a distant past… You don’t need me anymore… So I’m letting you go, and I’ll send all my love with you…

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