
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

  • - Shake it 19.04.
  • - 25.02.
  • - 20.08.
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  • - 18.07.
  • - 17.06.
  • - 17.06.
  • - 17.06.
  • - 07.06.
  • - 07.06.

-Torstai 28.10.2010 00:20

"..But baby wait..!"
"It's too late, you made your choise !
Now go out there and show them that you love them more than us!
That's what they want, that's why they keep screaming your name,
it's no wonder that you can't go to sleep,
Just take another pill, yeah, I bet you you will,
You rap about it, yeah, word, keep it real..!"


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