
[Ei aihetta]Torstai 13.11.2008 17:27

huomen jeejee~ i can't wait!! ♥

kirjotettiin muute tiinan kanssa enkun puhekurssilla hyvin sympaattinen tarina <3


Once upon a time there was a little little little boy named Sqirll. He lived far far far away in a place that looked like Baywatch.
One wery wery wery rainy day he went for a walk. He walked and walked and walked. After he had walked many many many hours he met a high high high tree named Butzs.
They talked and talked and talked for hours about violent pornography. They noticed that they have lots incommon for example they both had braces.
After their boring boring boring speech a chinese doctor named Ching War Hiiiiiiiii came around. He decidet to infuse there two dudes together as siamise twins.
And they lived happily happily happily ever after.

The end.


mun ja tiinan mielikuvistus ainaki pelaa vähä ylikierroksilla. :''''--D

sori jos oli kirjotusvirheitä.. en osaa kirjottaa enkkua~

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