


I know I could love you or not, but either way you've got to wake up to face another day tomorrow morning.

(c) SilenceLauantai 24.01.2009 02:51

The fears take the control.
Screaming my name,
they make me insane.
Lost your promises in this,
a fog that doesn't fade.

All these fears,
they make me go too far from the line.
Shouting these words,
with no meaning in them,
but the sound of my soul,
asking for help.

Now these fights,
make me feel broken.
All I can see in the mirror,
is lie.
You told the lie,
and now I'm in pieces on the floor.
Pieces filled with doubt and pain.

Don't know why I let you do this,
you made me fragile,
like a red rose in the white snow.

Nothing could explain it,
but I believe,
my love for you,
is stronger than me myself.
And that doesn't surprise me,
'cause even you make me cry,
you make me feel that I am loved.

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