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sofia liukkonen
30.12.1994 (29,79 vuotta)

Kirjoitin nimesi hiekkään
...mutta vesi huuhtoi sen pois...

Kirjoitin nimesi taivaalle
...mutta tuuli pyyhki sen pois...

Kirjoitin nimesi sydämmeeni
...Ja sieltä sitä ei kukaan vie pois... <3

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Kirjoitin nimesi hiekkään
...mutta vesi huuhtoi sen pois...

Kirjoitin nimesi taivaalle
...mutta tuuli pyyhki sen pois...

Kirjoitin nimesi sydämmeeni
...Ja sieltä sitä ei kukaan vie pois...

rakastan sinua vieläkin <3

I love you <3

When sun ended the trip,
left behind from her sisters
the last Sunshine.

Dark sneaked to the forest already,
Sunshine golden wing
Was just going to fly from before it.
When she saw a little Gnome coming towards,
it had just got up from her cavern.
Look, before the sunset can't the Gnome
ever live on the ground.

They looked at each other,
the Gnome in her chest,
felt a hot flaming.
It said: "You fire my eyes,
but I haven't seen nothing same lovely before in my life!
It's ok though your shine gets me blind,
it's easy to travel in dark.
Come with me and I'll show the way to my home cavern
and I'll take you my darling."

Shine answered: "Dear troll,
darkness takes the life off me,
and I don't hope for death.
I have to go away right now,
if I won't fly to she light soon,
I can't life even a while anymore!"

So beautiful Sunshine left, but still,
when Gnome is trudging alone,
she ponders why the one is a child of light there,
and the other loves the night.
