


Und ich schneide meinen Namen Tief in dein Gesicht Denn dein Blut wird uns vereinen Fühlst du es nicht?

Feeniks<3Keskiviikko 28.11.2007 12:10

I am facing the truth
I got to change the way I live
Can't go on this way
The price is too high to pay

After the rain I feel the sun
See how I run to my destiny

Life is a game
I got to learn how to play
I make my own rules
'Cause now I am free to choose

Courage and faith will show me the way
See how I run to my destiny

Like the Phoenix I rise
From the ashes of life
I don't need fortune or fame
Just some peace of mind

Like the Phoenix I fly
Leaving the lies behind
Future's golden for me
There is no one who can stop me now

I'm noble and strong
I'm walking down the road that I choose
Each day is a gift
And I know that I can't lose

A glorious future's awaiting me
See how I run to my destiny

Like the Phoenix I rise
From the ashes of life
I don't need fortune or fame
Just some peace of mind

Like the Phoenix I fly
Leaving the lies behind
Future's golden for me
There is no one who can stop me now

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