
Olen taas kovin cyberaktiivinenSunnuntai 01.02.2009 01:26

Hey hey Paula, I wanna marry you.
Hey hey Paula, no one else could ever do.
I've waiting so long for school to be through,
Paula, I can wait no more for you,
my love, my love.

Hey Paul, I've been waiting for you.
Hey hey Paul, I wanna marry you too.
If you love me true, if you love me still,
our love will always be real,
my love, my love.

True love means planning our life for two,
being together the whole day through.
True love means waiting and hoping that soon
wishes we made, will come true,
my love, my love.

hey hey paula i've been waiting for you
hey hey paul i want to marry you to
True love means planning our life for two,
being together the whole day through.
True love means waiting and hoping that soon
wishes we made, will come true,
my love, my love.

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