


sairaanhoitaja-opiskelija ;)

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 04.03.2008 23:54

It burns like a fire in the night
It polarizes and becomes her starlight

Under the trees, in the night
You'll find it there
In the space between heartbeats
Where the whole world disappears

In another garden
I'm lost again
Like the razor's kiss
It's you I hold

And the flame still burns (forever)
And her hearts still yearns (forever)
And in my dreams I've found this place
But the endless pain (forever)
And the light grows faint (forever)
As forever fades away
Forever fades away

Inside your dreams you will see forever ?
It's around us but we cannot stay
Moments are all we have

But in this moment we can live a lifetime here
All thats passed and shrunken
Falls away under the trees

In another garden
I'm lost again
Like the razor's kiss
It's you I hold

Forever fades away- Tiger army

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