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Sunnuntai, ankaran opiskelun päivä.Sunnuntai 02.04.2006 23:30

Jollaki saatta ollakki.

Rotting on floor.Sunnuntai 02.04.2006 01:50

Toiminnallinen päivä ollut minulla tänään.

IN LEAGUE WITH HUMALALauantai 01.04.2006 05:03

Kova mno. Repsassa.

Haha.Torstai 30.03.2006 23:03

Kasperi pisti Roomeota turpaan! Ja Ismo lähti kauas lappiin iskemään Tanjaa. Paska viikko ollu ko ei ole ehtiny salkkareita näkemään, mutta nytpä se tuli korjattua.

A Love Story <666Keskiviikko 29.03.2006 17:58

One black summer day at Sodankylä you see the most green creature you have ever seen. Their name is Ulla Taalasmaa , and every move she makes just turns you on more and more. You nudge your best friend Teemu and say, "Wow, that has to be the most sexy body I have ever seen." Suddenly, she looks in your direction and starts walking right towards you!!! she says, "I noticed you staring at me from over there. I just had to tell you, that I think you are so bright , and was wondering if you'd like to go to Rio De Janeiro with me and skiing ?" With a stupid smile on your face you say, " fukk you " and go with them. When you finally get to Rio De Janeiro , she moves closer to you, and gives you the biggest kiss ever. The two of you are passionately kissing, when you feel a nuklear bomb hit you on the back of the head. You open your eyes to find out it's all a dream, but there is a note left next to your bed.

Jäi salkkarit näkemättä.Keskiviikko 29.03.2006 01:18

Ku piti käydä kattomassa joku helvetinkummeli.

Jee.Maanantai 27.03.2006 22:17

Lukuloma alko just.

Voiei.Sunnuntai 26.03.2006 22:39

Vieläköhän sitä ehtis englantia lukea?
Ja I:n saa sitäpaitsi uusia 2 kertaa.