


sisäisesti pörröinen olo <3

<3<3<3Keskiviikko 24.09.2008 01:30

Huomenna 3kk yhdessäoloa<3

Sonni ja sen kanttura ;)

"When we're together, I feel perfect.
When I'm pulled away from you, I fall apart.
All you say is sacred to me.
Your eyes are so blue,
I can't look away.
As we lay in the stillness,
You whisper to me:
Promise you'll stay with me.
Oh you don't have to ask me.
You know you're all that I live for.
You know I'd die just to hold you.
Stay with you.
Somehow I'll show you,
That you are my night sky.
I've always been right behind you.
Now I'll always be right beside you."

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