
niin että turpa kii -.-'Lauantai 11.08.2007 03:29

You say i should do it differently,
I donÂ’t necessarily agree.
Stand up, sit down, be nice.
Did ya hear me ask for your advice?

DonÂ’t bother trying to tell me your beliefs,
Your point of view is pretty screwed to me
Do this, do that, on trackÂ…
Do me a favor and donÂ’t talk back.

Round and round
And the conversation always ends where it began.
Round and round, and i need a vacation
I got a headache from youÂ….

Shut up! DonÂ’t want to hear your voice.
Shut up! IÂ’m sick of all the noise.
ThereÂ’s nothing you can say that means
A damn thing to me
Shut up!

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