"My father...was a baker...and a fiend.
And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, cooking. Mommy orders take-out to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit."
"My father...was a cloud...and a fiend.
And one night, one night he starts raining, crazier than usual. Mommy gets an umbrella to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit."
"My Father... was a pokedad... and a fiend
And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, uses hydro pump. Mommy uses a electric pokemon to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit."
"My father...was a terrorist...and a fiend.
And one night, one night he starts exploding, crazier than usual. Mommy gets America to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit"
"My father...was an iPod...and a fiend.
And one night, he goes off craazziier than usual, dominating the market. Mommy goes and buys a Zune to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit."
"My father...was a doctor...and a fiend.
And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, saving lives. Mommy gets AIDS to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit."
"My father...was a American Economy...and a fiend.
And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, crumbling. Mommy moves to Europe to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit."
"My father...was the OP...and a fiend.
And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, posting fail threads. Mommy tries to post OC defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit."