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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

UnknownLauantai 28.03.2015 00:38

What if everything you ever needed was there.
All you ever could wanted was there.
Yet you had to do it. For yourself.
Leave all the known behind and jump into unknown.

Was there love. Any given thought of happiness.
Any single thought of partnership.

Was all of this.
For nothing.
Did i trade it with something more worse.
Unhappy feelings for lonelyness.

Worth it?

What i felt for years.
This emptyness inside me.
What you never filled up.
Still i will miss your presence forever.

Worth it?

We tryed. Atleast i did.
With every single piece of
my soul i did. We grew apart
and destined to break each other apart.

Wasnt i never the one for you?
At one point i thought you would be for me.
All of that changed when someone else took
that place in your heart.

There was no room for me anymore.

Worth it?

What i felt for years.
This emptyness inside me.
What you never filled up.
Still i will miss your presence forever.

6 vuoden jälkeen jää paljon mietittävää.
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »