


Näillä mennään.

Sentenced: Excuse Me While I Kill Myself Perjantai 06.04.2007 20:35

How do you do
I wish you a plesant afternoon
Well fuck you too
Rcognise the one I choose for you

I kill myself
I blow my brains onto the wall
So you inhale
I will not take this anymore

This is where it ends
This is where I will draw the line
Excuse me while
I end my life

I will go there soon
Not having a reasons no excuse
What the hell do you
Suppose I have left to lose?

I'll kill myself
See you in hell
I'll kill myself
See you in hell
I'll kill myself
See you in hell
I'll kill myself
See you in hell
I'll kill myself
See you in hell
I'll kill myself

I kill myself
I blow my brains onto the wall
So you inhale
I will not take this anymore

This is where it ends
I put a bullet through my head
And then drop dead

This is where it ends
This is where I will draw the line
Excuse me while

I kill myself

Siinäpä näin pitkän pitkän pitkän perjentain tunnelmia...
Vituiks menee kuin jeesuksen pääsiäinen.

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