
argumentative essay...Torstai 22.03.2007 01:39

lyhennetty versio..

A mother's place is at home raising children

More and more women join the working world and delay having children because they want to make career and be respected. Eventually most do “settle down” and have children, but many women return to work as soon as possible. That sounds great doesn’t it, but what about the children?

Children are putted to kindergartens when they are still basically babies and they are not given the time they need to create a strong bond to their parents, especially to the mother. Children need a safe environment to grow and that is not provided to them if the mother returns to work too soon, without thinking what is best for the child. On the other hand, kindergarten has many benefits if children stay at home with their mother they wonÂ’t make so many contacts with other same aged children.

The decision should be done by both parents. The father has to have something to say, because if the mother leaves work, familyÂ’s incomes decrease because the father is the only one making money. Those against mothers at home point out that returning to work may be difficult, because the mother might be working in a job that changes rapidly like information technology, and she might not keep up with the change.

All in all I think that mother or father should stay with their children at least until the child is four or five and even then the child is young. Of course it depends about the person, but why to have children if you donÂ’t want to spend time with them?

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