


mulla on niin ikävä sua :(

Chavela Vargas - Paloma NegraSunnuntai 21.12.2008 01:56

I'm tired of weeping and yet there's no sign of the sun
I no longer know whether to curse you or pray for you
I'm afraid to look for you and afraid to find you
Where my friends have told me that you've gone
At times I feel like relinquishing the fight
And ripping out the nails that cause my pain
But my eyes are dying without looking into yours
And my affection returns to wait for you at dawn

And you decided on your own to find a party
Black dove, black dove where are you?
Stop playing with my honour, party girl
Your caresses must be mine, and no one else's
And though I love you madly, don't come back to me
Black dove, you're the bars on this cage of suffering
I want to be free and live my life with whom I choose
Lord, give me strength for I'm dying
to go find her

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