


sydän jäätä

Brenda Lee — I Am SorryMaanantai 16.11.2009 16:46

Im sorry, so sorry,
That I was such a fool.
I didnt know love could be so cruel.
Oh oh-oh oh, oh oh, oh yes.
You tell me
Are part of being young,
But that dont right the wrong thats been done.
Im sorry, Im sorry,
So sorry, So sorry,
Please accept my apology.
But love is blind, and
I was too blind to see.
Oh oh-oh oh, oh oh, oh yes.
You tell me
Are part of being young,
But that dont right the wrong thats been done.
Oh oh-oh oh, oh oh, oh yes.
Im sorry,
So sorry,
Please accept my apology.
But love is blind, and
I was too blind to see.

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