


Juoksukissa/Traveller is dead.

#420 <3Lauantai 05.01.2008 04:14

02:04Â… @D^Von^Amsterdam: HellOnStage you finnfag get your ass moving and release upon us your rage and hatred we beg of you <3

02:06Â… @Wilzu`: finnfag's
02:07Â… @Xathan: O_o
02:07Â… @Xathan: Are you all going crazy?
02:07Â… @Xathan: Assholes :p
02:07Â… @Wilzu`: and even boys from holland says that in finland is propably best weed in europe
02:07Â… @Wilzu`: :D
02:08Â… @D^Von^Amsterdam: and they keep it all to themselves, thus the term finnfag
02:08Â… @Wilzu`: yes

i got owned :´(

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