
Nysse meniTiistai 09.12.2008 22:27

Nilkka. Joka askeleella sattuu niin saatanasti. No mut ei se menoo haittaa! Varsinkaa ku huomen pääsee Mansee kirjottaa Fusionin sopimukset :) Ja kaiken lisäks huominen ja torstai on vapaat :)

Mun piti oikeesti kirjottaa jotai asiaakin mut tää tyttö leijuu niin paljon ettei pysty ajattelee mitää oikein järkevästi :P

Ja tässä on niin perkeleen hyvä biisi ja vielä paremmat sanat! (varsinkin toi kertsi..) :P
Christina Aguilera- Keeps Gettin' Better <3

Step back gonna come at ya fast
I'm driving out of control
And getting ready to crash
Won't stop shaking up what I can
I serve it up in a shot
So suck it down like a man
So baby yes I know what I am
And no I don't give a damn
And you'll be loving it

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better

Kiss kiss gonna tell you right now
I'll make it sweet on the lips as it can knock you out
Shut up I don't care what you say
Cuz when we both in the ring you're gonna like it my way
Yeah baby there's a villain in me so sexy sour and sweet
And you'll be loving it

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better

Hold on
Keeps gettin' better
Hold on
Keeps gettin' better

In the blink of an eye
In the speed of the light
I'll hold the universe up
And make your planets collide
When I strap on my boots
And I slip on my suit
You see the vixen in me
Becomes an angel for you

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better

Hold on
Keeps gettin' better
Hold on
Keeps gettin' better

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