


If your horny, lets do it, ride it, my pony. my saddle's waiting, come and jump on it.

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Return of the DarknessSunnuntai 08.09.2013 01:47

Think about how all the victims of Katrina feelin'
They need a ceilin', they say that Mother Nature, she the villain
Plead a million, the bible, I read a bllion, Still I'm free to see the real
And my feet are grillin', 'cause hellish heat is buildin' up
Think my momma ain't ill enough? It's killin' us
I will erupt if they're pillin' her false, still ain't no healin' her
I been searchin' for answers, but I find nothin' but man stuff
That puts a damper on the current problem at hand bruh
Or whatever it is, I will never forgive
Anybody who take Marty, better get her to live
She's so sick that it don't matter how much cheddar I give
To the thing or the lady, here's a letter to his
Majesty, why ain't you stoppin' these tragedies
My mother's glad to be with you, but her life's been a raggedy one
What's gonna be done in two thousand twelve when hell's gonna be
When the Earth aligned with the sun

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