


kun pää käskee juosta, minä kipitän.... muutaman metrin

Speak so loud I can hear youPerjantai 24.07.2009 16:09

which one you are afraid of,
City noises or calm water's flow?
which one are you trying to avoid,
Lonelyness or the group?
Why do you cry,
when in next door child is laughing with her father?

You are like water deep,
inaccessible mountain
deserted castle,
you are titan in a war
so why do you cry,
when in nextdoor child is laughing with his father?
why do you cry,
When someone in radio sings with laughter?

Speak so loud I can hear you,
Words that I can understand,
phoems I can comprehend
I need subtitles in you,
interpreter of the secrets I have,
Saiyan who knows everything
Speak loud, I can bearly hear you

I am pretty simple one, asking for explenation always
You are a complicated map, I am not able to read you
Why do you cry when some is singing in radio of love?

Speak so loud I can hear you,
Words that I can understand,
phoems I can comprehend
I need subtitles in you,
interpreter of the secrets I have,
Saiyan who knows everything
Speak loud, I can bearly hear you
Speak so loud I can hear you
Speak loud, I can bearly hear you
Speak so loud I can hear you
Speak loud, I can bearly hear you

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