


Youre just jelous, because the voices talk only to me

AttentioN WhoreSunnuntai 14.03.2010 17:13

So look at me,
Talk about me,
Think of me,
Do you like what you see?

Hey everyone, I know you love me
and even if you hate me
You talk about me
Oh here to talk about me
They are so jealous
I know they like what they see
Im an attention whore
And im so proud of it

Im an attention whore
And I know you love it
So look at me
Talk about me
Think of me
Do you like what you see?
How great my hair
It looks so fabulous
Oh you tried it too
But its not your style

And yeah
I walk through the club
Everybodys watching
What a great feeling
They are so jealou
Im an attention whore
And im so proud of it
Oh, wait where my camera,
I need picture for facebook
Hello! I look so hot today
Ugh that sucks
My facebook friends need to comment these pictures
Hmm what ever
I hope the people in the city see me today
Everyone should see me today
Yeah watch me
Look at me
Look at me
Im an attention whore
And im so proud of it
Im an attention whore
And I know you love it

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