


Patinoitunu Runomies, enkä.

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Ranskalaiset miehet sanovat tarvitsevansa suurimmat kondomit Euroopassa. Vastaavasti kreikkalaiset pärjäävät pienemmällä koolla, selviää tuoreesta Euroopan laajuisesta saksalaistutkimuksesta, jonka toteutti kondomien käyttöä tutkiva instituutti.

Tutkimusta varten yli 10 000 miestä 25 eri maasta pyydettiin mittaamaan peniksensä ja syöttämään luku tietokantaan. Tulosten mukaan ranskalaisten miesten penis on pituudeltaan noin 15.48 senttiä pitkä. Tämä on noin 3 senttiä pidempi kuin keskiverroilla kreikkalaisilla, joiden kondomikoon vaatimukset olivat pienimmät.

Tutkimuslaitoksen johtajan Jan Vinzenz Krausen mukaan tiedot kerättiin kahdeksan kuukauden ajalta. Hän ei halunnut kommentoida sitä, kuinka rehellisenä hän ranskalaismiesten vastauksia piti.

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on opettaa nuorille tehokkaan ehkäisyn merkitystä. Tutkimusinstituutti tarjoaa internetin välityksellä tietoa oikean kondomikoon etsimisessä ja pitää yllä vuosittaista ”tuunaa kondomisi” -tapahtumaa yhdessä kansallisen AIDS-yhdistyksen kanssa tarkoituksenaan valistaa nuoria sukupuoliteitse tarttuvista taudeista.

Kondomivalistus on ajankohtainen, sillä vuosittaista maailman AIDS-päivää vietettiin eilen 1.12.2008. Yhtenä päivän teemoista oli juuri nuorten tietoisuuden lisääminen hiv-tartunnasta.

Tähän mennessä yli 60 miljoonaa ihmistä on saanut hiv-tartunnan ja yli 20 miljoonaa kuollut aidsiin. Joka päivä todetaan noin 7500 uutta tartuntaa, joista 50 prosenttia todetaan nuorilla.

Aiheesta kirjoitti Fox news 8.11.2008 ”Survey: French men say they need bigger condoms” ja

Fiksuilla on parempaa spermaaTorstai 06.11.2008 23:09

Älykkäillä ihmisillä näyttäisi olevan paremman laatuista spermaa, käy ilmi brittiläisestä tutkimuksesta.

Institute of Psychiatryn tutkijaryhmä analysoi Vietnamin sodassa taistelleiden entisten yhdysvaltalaissotilaiden tietoja ja tulivat tähän tulokseen: hyvin älykkyystesteissä pärjänneillä oli enemmän siittiöitä siemennesteessä ja ne liikkuivat paremmin.

Tutkimus tukee käsitystä siitä, että älykkyyden takana olevilla geeneillä voi olla muitakin biologisia vaikutuksia.

Näin ollen pienen pienet mutaatiot, jotka haittaavat älykkyyttä, häiritsevät myös muita ominaisuuksia. Ja päinvastoin taas hyvät geenit saaneita ihmisiä voi olla siunattu biologisilla perintötekijöillä, jotka tekevät heistä hyväkuntoisia, terveitä ja fiksuja.

Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin 425 miestä, jotka olivat käyneet älykkyystesteissä ja antaneet spermanäytteen. Tutkijat huomasivat, että riippumatta henkilöiden iästä ja elämäntyylistä, älykkyydellä ja sperman laadulla oli yhteys kaikilla kolmella mitattavalla alueella, eli siittiöiden määrässä, sperma-pitoisuudessa sekä siittiöiden liikkuvuudessa.

Tutkimusta johtaneen tohtori Rosalind Ardenin mukaan miehillä ei kuitenkaan ole syytä huoleen, sillä ero on vain marginaalinen, mutta antaa osviittaa geenien teoreettisesta tärkeydestä.

Tutkijat aikovat seuraavaksi tutkia, saavatko he samankaltaisia tuloksia erilaisilla mittapareilla, eli erilaisella tavalla mitata älykkyyttä ja fyysistä terveyttä.

James Morrison - You Make Me RealKeskiviikko 05.11.2008 23:13

There's so much craziness, surrounding me
There's so much going on, it gets hard to breathe
When all my faith has gone, you bring it back to me
You make it real for me

When I'm not sure of, my priorities
When I've lost site of, where I'm meant to be
Like holy water, washing over me
You make it real for me

And I'm running to you baby
You are the only one who saved me
That's why I've been missing you lately
Cause you make it real for me

When my head is strong, but my heart is weak
I'm full of arrogance, and uncertainty
But I can find the words, you teach my heart to speak
You make it real for meee, yeaaa

And I'm running to you baby
Cause you are the only one who saved me
That's whyyy I've been missing you lately
Cause you make it real for me

Everybodies talking in words
I don't understand
You got to be the only one
Who knows just who I am
Your shinin in the distance
I hope I can make it through
Cause the only place
That I want to be
Is right back home with you

I guess there's so much more
I have to learn
But if you're here with me
I know which way to turn
You always give me somewhere,
Somewhere I can learn
You make it real for me

And I'm running to you baby
Cause you are the only one who saved me
That's why I've been missing you lately
Cause you make it real for me

You make it real for me

The Killers - HumanMaanantai 03.11.2008 15:21

I did my best to notice
When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind
And sometimes get nervous
When I see an open door
Close your eyes
Clear your heart

Cut the cord
Are we Human?
Or are we Dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we Human?
Or are we Dancer?

Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Give my regards to soul and romance
They always did the best they could
And so long to devotion
You taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye
Wish me well

You got to let me go
Are we Human?
Or are we Dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answers
Are we Human?
Or are we Dancer?

Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight?
There is no message we're receiving
Let me know is your heart still beating?

Are we Human?
Or are we Dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer

You got to let me know
Are we Human?
Or are we Dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we Human
Or are we Dancer?

Are we Human?
Or are we Dancer?

Are we Human
Or are we Dancer?

Billy Idol - Rebel YellSunnuntai 02.11.2008 02:03

Last night a little dancer
Came dancin to my door
Last night a little angel
Came pumping on the floor
She said a come baby
Ive got a license for love
And if it expires
Pray help from above

In the midnight hour
She cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell
She cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour, babe
More, more, more
With a rebel yell
More, more, more
More, more, more

She dont like slavery
She wont sit and beg
But when Im tired and lonely
She sees me to bed
What set you free
And brought you to me, babe
What set you free
I need you here by me

In the midnight hour
She cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell
She cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour, babe
More, more, more
With a rebel yell
More, more, more

He lives in his own heaven
Collects it to go from the seven eleven
Well hes out all night to collect a fare
Just so long, just so long it dont mess up his hair
Oww ha

I walk the ward for you, babe
A thousand miles with you
I dried your tears of pain
A million times for you
Id sell my soul for you, babe
For money to burn for you
Id give you all and have none, babe
Just a, just a, just a, just a
To have you here by me

In the midnight hour
She cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell
She cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour, babe
More, more, more
With a rebel yell
She cried more, more, more
More, more, more

Oo yeah, a little baby
She want more
More, more, more, more, more
Oo yeah, a little angel
She want more
More, more, more, more, more

Aerosmith - You See Me CryingLauantai 01.11.2008 15:48

You see me crying, don't let it getcha down.
You see me crying, I'm back to the lost and found.
Honey whatcha done to your head?
Honey was it the words I said?
Honey whatcha done to your head?
Honey was it the words I said?
You see me crying, say your a ladies man.
You see me crying, I'm so hard to understand.
Honey whatcha done to your head?
Honey was the words that I said?
Honey whatcha done to your head?
Honey was the words that I said?
You see me crying, please say you'll stick around.
And I got to be your lover, hon, let me take you to town.
And I'll show you everything that I know.
And I'll never let you go...
Cause my love is like a merry-go-around...
Honey whatcha done to your head?
Honey was the words that I said?
Honey whatcha done to your head?
Honey was the words that I said?

Aerosmith - You Gotta MovePerjantai 31.10.2008 23:19

You gotta move
You gotta move
You gotta move
You gotta move
Oh... when my God gets ready
You gotta move
You gotta move

You may be high
You may be low
You may be rich... yeah
You may be poor
But when the Lord get ready
You gotta move
You gotta move
Huh Huh... ooww...


You may be old
You may be young
You may be weak
Maybe high-strung
But when the good Lord get ready
You gotta move
You gotta move

You see dat woman
Who walks the street
You see dat cop man
Who walks his beat
But when the Lord gets ready
You gotta move
You gotta move
You got to... ooww

Yeah I was hangin' with the Devil when we made a pact
I'm drinkin' welfare whiskey smokin' food stamp crack
It was one part sour... two parts sweet
Three parts strong... and four parts weak
I would rather sit on a pumpkin
And have it all to myself
Then to be crowded on a velvet cushion

You may be bad
You can not see
You may be deaf
It's all meant to be
Now when the Lord get ready
You gotta move
You gotta move
You gotta move
You gotta move
You gotta move
You got to know
When the good get ready
You gotta move
Huh huh... you gotta
You gotta move...

You gotta move
You gotta move...

Aerosmith - Yo MammaPerjantai 31.10.2008 00:03

I met a little girl who was so high class (totally)
I was as lonely as can be she had a beautiful *
She was lonely
She showed me her tattoo it was right there on her breast
Somewhere in a city in the middle of the west

When she asked me to her house
Little did I know she was only
She was just 18 still livin' with her folks
She was only
And when I met her momma she undressed me with her eyes
Then her daddy gave a look at me
That could have paralyzed

'cause your mamma wants to do me and your
Daddy wants to do me in
I'm a cat with nine lives I hope that i
Can make it to ten
O'cherry please forgive me for confessin'
My original sin
Because your mamma wants to do me
And your daddy wants to do me in!
(dialogue to chorus)

In the morning as I gingerly tipped toed
Down the stairs, I had this deja voodoo
That maybe I already had been there
Then it all came back to me that night back in 1973
It must have been yo mama lord have mercy on me

Aerosmith - Write Me A LetterKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 22:05

write me a letter
write me a letter
write it today
I'm goin' away
well I've been away forever
suicide's crossin' my mind
but I'll never get so far behind
I said, the ways of the night are evil *
without that lord of day *
but I'll never get so far away
I said write me
write me
write me
well there's nothin' I can see that'd ever make me want to be without her
she good, she good to me
said there's no way to explain the kind of feeling that you get out in the
she good, she good to me
she good, she good to me
I love her
well I've been so many places
hidin' from the wind and the rain
but you could write me a letter
for to save me from a-goin' insane

Aerosmith - Woman Of The WorldTiistai 28.10.2008 17:56

well she's a woman of the world, and God she knows it
she'll turn my head every time she shows it
yeah, nothin' you can do, nothin' you can say
no way you can try to change her way
she might be gone tomorrow, honey say what you gotta say
lordy what a woman
how ya feelin' *
well I tried so hard to please her
she'd give me a look if I beg to tease her *
there's nothin' you can say, nothin' you can do
no way you can try to coochie coo
she might be gone tomorrow, oh lordy what you gonna do?
and I tried with an open hand and a heart of sorrow
hoped that everything would be alright
don't save too much lovin' for tomorrow
get out all your lovin' here tonight
she got big-eyed cats, she got coats of sable
she seats forty-four at her dinner table
and there's nothin' you can do, nothin' you can say
no way you can try to change her way
she might be gone tomorrow, oh throwin' it all away