


Blood and Tears

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.04.2009 18:59

When you want to give in, you loose the fight.
When you can't fight, you have loose the life.
What can i do, you ask from me.

Don't give damn! i can only say to you.
Maby someday you can find the answer.
But nowday's you just have to fight.

That girl, you promised to love.
That girl, you wanted to you.
That girl, you need to move.

Don't see it from you eyes, don't you wana go on?
Come whit me, if you wana see.
What this life is for.

Don't go down cos your heart tolds you to.
Don't care, if your hearts gone.
You can still win this fight.

That girl, you promised to love.
That girl, you wanted to you.
That girl, you need to move

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