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...adn when all lights is fading..Sunnuntai 27.01.2008 05:15

White as snow lie my lover's bones
in the soft, velvet soil of the vault,
And I, his bride, sleep by his side,
To celebrate our sacred love.
At times it seems that I'm existing only
within some fading memory,
But dreams are all sacred, dreams are all holy ... -
And, by far, still the safest place for my poor soul to be.

Do not speak of the terrible place
that guided your war-horse and your living stake !
We are dancing in circles with the dear living dead,
We are blessed with the corpses that coil 'round our necks.
Please, don't speak of that terrible place,
That once guided your war-horse and your living stake !

We are taking a walk with our dear walking dead,
Feeling blessed with the corpses that feed on our necks.

I caught a glimpse of myself on the other sphere
and for a fleeting moment I forgot the tears.
Dreams are precious ... and - OH - so is sleep,
This, my safest, yet ... by far ... the most fragile of all retreats.

Do not speak of the terrible place
that guided your war-horse and your living stake !
We are dancing in circles with the dear living dead.
We are blessed with the corpses that coil 'round our necks.
Please, don't speak of that terrible place
that once guided your war-horse and your living stake !
We are taking a walk with our dear walking dead,
Feeling blessed with the corpses that feed on our necks ...

JeeMaanantai 21.01.2008 15:44

Unicorn is back!

JeeMaanantai 21.01.2008 15:07

Lävärit tuli <3

Kun ollaan niin kroisoksia niin...Sunnuntai 13.01.2008 17:40

saatiin sit eilen kulutettua 300 euroa ja sit mentii pizzalle lopuks ja sit myyjä sanoo "Tililä ei kateta"
:DDD Ja sit mä maksoin ja nyt varmaa mulkaa ei oo ku joku 20 e.

Ja kämppä on ku kaatopaikka.

Ihihiii 2 v 7 kk.Lauantai 12.01.2008 00:55

Olen kroisois.Perjantai 11.01.2008 01:16

Mä ku oon niin vitun rikas ni meninpä tänää 28 e taksilla tallille ;----D

JUMALAUTA!Torstai 27.12.2007 04:03

Miks galleria näyttää mulle joka kerta et mul on 4-10 kommenttia ja ku katon ne. ne on samat mitkä oon jo lukenu?! Ja tota tapahtuu joka vitun kerta ku loggaan ineen.

Galtsu suckssss. Korjatkaa vittu buginne, pellet!!!!

Christ masMaanantai 24.12.2007 23:26

Muahahahahhah XDDD

Neaun hiukset sytty tulee. Kannattaa istua pöydälle , just kynttelikön viereen. /clap