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Sopor Aeternus - If Lonelies Was AllPerjantai 31.10.2008 19:21

Who am I kidding...Maanantai 20.10.2008 04:37

Beck - LoserTiistai 16.09.2008 18:48

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.09.2008 21:56

Some men can truly be like chocolate
but most of them are more like SHIT,
and if you don't have the experience
to spot that tiny difference
you're very likely to fall for all of it

Alas, some men are like chocolate
but most of them are like SHIT
and if you don't have the experience
to spot that subtle difference
you're likely to fall
for only the promise of a kiss.

Mut nojoo...Torstai 11.09.2008 04:46

...sain mun epic helmin <3

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 08.09.2008 04:39

"Twelve faces shape the unholy circle, one mask for any opportunity. This sphere must remain incomplete ...- (as) in its centre the thirteenth mask is me."
If love was something I could feel, at least some kind of cheerfulness ...- but i feel nothing, drowned in pain, half-frozen in my emptiness
Beyond this veneer of friendless lies my true face, that no-one knows. This mask's a lie, obvious and sad, my heart is empty and all is cold.

/sighMaanantai 08.09.2008 03:48

."..If I lay crying in my bed,
waiting, no longing for the end,
if I decide my time has come,
would you then be that trustful one
to guard this chamber, break this shell,
and free me from this living hell
by making sure my death is swift.
Would you grant me that sacred gift ?!?"

Mjoo. Mulla on tylsää. Viikonloppu meni liiankin kännissä ja sekasin.
Katoin äsken Superhero movien, se oli ihan hauska.
Nyt katon Rambon ja kattelen inttijuttuja netistä. (Adios, tammikuussa armeijaan... hope so.)

I really love our beloved Goddess!Tiistai 19.08.2008 15:59

From far beyond the veil of sleep some ancient voice does seem to whisper my forgotten name weakly, yet solemnly.
So remotely that one night think it had been but a dream, echo of some illusive call of fleeting memory.
Yes, to believe such vain idea no problem it would be, if there was not this inscrutable unrest within me ...
As if out of the deepest sea some creature seeks to rise, to wish its long denied existence back into my life.
My secret name is whispered by a half-forgotten sigh and out of nothing, across my face, which is all petrified,
Hot tears are running without end. A deeply troubling pain pulls me together inwardly, to be no more the same...
From far beyond the veil of sleep some tune, ne'er before heard, is trav'lling on a fragile breath, to shake my frozen world.

Nirvana - Pennyroyal teaTiistai 22.07.2008 04:02

*Im so tired, I cant sleep*