
Selaa blogimerkintöjä

:(Tiistai 19.06.2007 02:04 17.06.2007 03:27

Näin meillä :D Vittu JOhanna!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 13.06.2007 06:20

Every time I go to bed
I hear the voices in my head
They say
What about me
Every time I feel the way I feel
I just don't know what I should do
What about you

What about you, what about me
What about everything

Round and round and round we go
And where it stops I really do not know
What do I know
I was fine but now today
I feel the way I feel and that's okay

What about me and you
Everything is overwhelming
What do I say and do
Everything is overwhelming
What about me and you
Everything is overwhelming
Ahh what the fuck's it to you

TJ 24Keskiviikko 13.06.2007 06:19

Kohta OHI ON!

Voi vittuTiistai 12.06.2007 16:10

Puol naamaa puutunu sen takia, et hammaslääkäri poras mun hammasta 10 sekuntia ja laitto sit paikan. -.- Olipas hyvää hammashoitoa... Ja vittu turhaa naama puutunu! Stn.

Shattered HallsTiistai 12.06.2007 04:54

9 kertaa yritettiin tappaa se saatanan vika bossi, periks ei annettu ja vikalla se meniki alas :D WUHUU.

Vittu, 1,5 bar ja 70!Maanantai 11.06.2007 01:33


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 30.05.2007 22:27

White as snow lie my lover's bones
in the soft, velvet soil of the vault,
And I, his bride, sleep by his side,
To celebrate our sacred love.
At times it seems that I'm existing only
within some fading memory,
But dreams are all sacred, dreams are all holy ... -
And, by far, still the safest place for my poor soul to be.

Do not speak of the terrible place
that guided your war-horse and your living stake !
We are dancing in circles with the dear living dead,
We are blessed with the corpses that coil 'round our necks.
Please, don't speak of that terrible place,
That once guided your war-horse and your living stake !

We are taking a walk with our dear walking dead,
Feeling blessed with the corpses that feed on our necks.

I caught a glimpse of myself on the other sphere
and for a fleeting moment I forgot the tears.
Dreams are precious ... and - OH - so is sleep,
This, my safest, yet ... by far ... the most fragile of all retreats.

Do not speak of the terrible place
that guided your war-horse and your living stake !
We are dancing in circles with the dear living dead.
We are blessed with the corpses that coil 'round our necks.
Please, don't speak of that terrible place
that once guided your war-horse and your living stake !
We are taking a walk with our dear walking dead,
Feeling blessed with the corpses that feed on our necks ...