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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 18.09.2006 17:23

This is the year where hope fails you.
The test subjects run the experiments and the bastard you know, is the hero you hate.
But cohesing is possible if we strive.
Theres no reason, theres no lesson. No time like the present, tell me right now what have you got to lose, what have you got to lose? Except your soul... Who's with us?!

I can only be as real as I can...

By turning to more real... I'm not real anymore.
When god created us he gave us a choice. A choice not to belevive on him and a choice to have a choice.
A choice to be real. Not a replicate... not one more soul in the bottle... not another brick on the wall.
I'm another brick off the wall.

I won't be the inconsequential. I won't be the wasted potential. I can make it as severe as I can.
Until you realize you'll never take a stand. It isn't, just a one-sided version.
We've dealt with a manic subversion. I won't let the truth be perverted.
And I won't leave another victim deserted.

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