
tellKeskiviikko 04.02.2009 18:50

oke ihmiset. kertokaa rehellisesti mielipiteenne musta. siitä vaa jos uskallatte. haluun tietää kuinka moni oikeesti pitää mua niin helvetin lapsellisena ja huomionkipeenä.

donutsTiistai 23.12.2008 20:36

"En mä oo donitsi!"
"Ei se haittaa.. :3"


joy & loveLauantai 20.12.2008 18:58

"Miks sä haluut ostaa mulle joululahjan?!"
"Noku sillo ku Mia anto sulle lahjan sä näytit niin innostuneelta ja iloselta"

Tänään se osti mulle jäätelön spice ice:stä koskarissa :3

viimeks olo oli niin ahdistunu.. nyt ahdistaa mutta ainoastaan rakkaudesta<3

feelingLauantai 13.12.2008 01:40

niin ahdistunut.. niin tuskallinen...

ihastuksiaMaanantai 17.11.2008 21:29

juu.. liian moneen ihastunut samaan aikaan.. eikä asiaa helpota että kyseiset henkilöt pitää musta kans.. no tän hetkinen tilanne kelpaa mulle siihen asti kunnes se tajuu kuinka kamala oon ja lopettaa meiän väliset jutut.. jeejee..

dayLauantai 15.11.2008 13:33

the day i hate the most is coming.. everyone tells me to get over it and go on with my life but i just am not that kind of person. i feel that i won't get over it until my menthal problems are solved.. i just would prefer not to celebrate my birthday at all.... my friends understand what is so wrong about that day and it's not the birth part as some may think.. it's about something what happened exactly two years ago from that day.. i even remember the time...... just be kind and do not congratulate me on that day..

huomentTorstai 13.11.2008 14:08

juupajuu.. tuli vähän valvottuu eilen ja enpä päässykkää ylös kahdeksan aamuna >.< mutta Hellboy 2 on hyvä leffa jota suosittelen lämpimästi ;) joo eli just heräsin ja en jaksa kouluunkaan lähtee joten mitä tekisin?

Piano --> Nagareboshi

peaceKeskiviikko 12.11.2008 18:13

im so pissed of! my mind's just so restless and confused.. maybe i should take few weeks of no school at all like my psychiatrist suggested.. though i think it wouldn't help..

violenceTiistai 11.11.2008 19:51

guys should't hit girls right? then why did you? i know you can't stand me and my stubborness but did you really have to? i guess you didn't mean to hit so hard but now i'm afraid of you.. was it worth it? yeah i know you said sorry but that doesn't stop me thinking what have i done to deserve this. and you know what's the worst part at this? you made me think all the years my so called friends violated me.. sorry for being over sensitive but maybe now you stop slapping and kicking me..

say wha? O.oSunnuntai 09.11.2008 01:34

Why is everything so complicated? Why there can't be one guy/girl at a time! Take a number and stay in the fucking line! I'm too messed up already.

You had you're chance so don't think I'd forgive the heartaches you cost.

Doctor's can put their fingers wherever they want : )

Shit my mind's a mess.

I must see my old friend soon. We haven't seen each other like over four years!!!

Maaan... I have to go in a blood test next mind. I fucking hate needles!

Oh! Did everyone already see my new piercing? Industrials are so cool :)

I want you on me now so get your ass here!!!

No one understood and neither did I so we're cool. Let's all go watch strawberry pancakes!!!!