
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.03.2009 17:40


1. Allah (God) -
in His existence; His Oneness
(Tawheed): His atrributes; and
that He is the Only One
worthy of worship.

2. Allah's Angels -
beings created from light by Allah.
For the purpose of obeying
Allah's orders and praising Him

3. Allah's books and revelations -
which include the Qur'an
plus the original versions of the
Torah (the book of revelation
reccived by the prophet Moses),
the Zabur (the book of revelation
given the prophet David),
and the Injil (the book of
revelation given to the prophet

4. All of Allah's Messengers and Prophets -
some of whom are directly
mentioned in the Qur'an
and some of whom are not.

5. The last day / the Day of Jugment -
when all mankind will be judged
by Allah according to their deeds,
their appropiate punishment
or reward, as tempered by
His abundant mercy
and forgiveness.

6. Qadar -
the timeless knowlegde of Allah.
His power to pla, and His ability
to execute His plans.

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