


“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

Where Hope And Daylight DieTiistai 29.03.2011 05:29

Still here I wake and I think of you
I see you, I see you far away
Answer my call, can you hear my voice?
I hear you...

For we are gone and forever lost
Broken I lie, broken here I lie
Beneath, the shadows sink where daylight dies
I wake for you...

But here I stand and think of
The days the grass was green and my heart was so young
They've never been past -
Forever lost...

In better lands the sun may shine
And green leaves on trees spring
Opening in its blossoming
And hear the raven sing...

For we are gone and forever lost
Broken I lie, broken here I lie
Beneath, the shadows sink where daylight dies
I wake for you...


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