
Runosuoni sykki enkuntunnilKeskiviikko 31.01.2007 17:30

Tietämättömille, kyseinen runo on tribuutti Ionan runolle RUBBLE, jolle kaikki nauro joskus (läpällä kuiteski :D). Iona kerto et siin runossa oli syvempi tarkotus, ja mä päätin tehä siitä sille uuden:


Rubble what
Rubble as in rubble
Or rubble as in not?

You say to us it trickles
Aimlessly through the rocks
Or might this be just a metaphor
For something IonaÂ’s not

It drops and trickle
She told us: When it moves
But does this mean anything
Or does Iona just lack the groove

She says it keeps moving
Through the deep, sandy shores
Is this random
Or might this be the inner core

As she read it out loud
The class just laughed
She could not say a word
And her soul obviously halved

They said the title was mad
They said it should be changed
But then the meaning would differ
And nothing would be gained

The third line of rubble
Is a fairly clear sign
Of IonaÂ’s self-confidence
Making its decline

Her childhood traumas
Clearly affected her thoughts
And as rubble clearly states
Her mind's still occupied by dwarfs

The boys of her youth
Who kept throwing her with balls
They had no idea
What all this mockery could cause

And the kid with the rug sack
Whom with IonaÂ’s one got mixed
What was he thinking?
Doing something so not fixed?

As we now have learned
About Iona and her life
She might become special
Or just a weird, depressed housewife

All these traumatic deeds
That have affected her and her time
And the writing of rubble
Which even lacked rhyme

Have shone upon her creativity
Her need to express herself
And the outburst of rubble
Is just one feeling off a shelf

No one knows what it means
Just Iona and no one more
If she doesnÂ’t tell us
My mind for ever remains sore

And true meaning for rubble
May never be known
Maybe IonaÂ’s actually deep
Or as plain as a pile of loam


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