
swallow the sun - fragileMaanantai 19.10.2009 01:17

I remember her
Dark flowing hair
Eyes like deep blue waters
And her skin so fair

I remember her
How she used to sing
Melodies so full of sorrow
Dreams in the making

She was so fragile

Lying on my arms, not breathing
I can still hear the echo of her voice
And now as I hear them coming
I take her to our last dance

I remember her
Delicate beauty
Her eyes so wise and knowing
When she looked at me Lying on my arms, not breathing
I can still hear the echo of her voice
And now as I hear them coming
I take her to our last dance

The red haze fading
My vision regaining
And on my arms I see her lifeless body

Realizing what I've done
Anguish grips my heart
I close her eyes for the last time and she'll sing no more

She was so fragile

Lying on my arms, not breathing
I can still hear the echo of her voice
And now as I hear them coming
I take her to our last dance

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