


corner of my heart.

The time has comeKeskiviikko 18.02.2009 00:29

I close my eyes
And I can see
The day we met
Just one moment and I knew
You're my best friend
'Do anything
For you

We've gone so far
And done so much
And I feel
Like we've always been together
Right by my side
Through thick and thin
You're the part of my life
I'll always remember

The time has come
It's for the best I know it
Who could've guessed that you and I...
somehow, someday
We'd have to say goodbye.

You've helped me find
The strengh inside
And the courage
To make all my dreams come true
How will I find
Another friend
Like you

Two of a kind
That's what we are
And it seemed
Like we were always winning
But as our team
Is torn apart
I wish we could go
Back to the beginning

The time has come
It's for the best I know it
Who could've guessed that you and I...
Somehow, someway
We'd have to say goodbye.

Somehow today...
...we have to say goodbye

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