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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 30.08.2008 19:16

kuka tulee mun kans tonne näyttään rikua! kuka! kuka! kuka!!!!!!!!!!11111111yksi

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 30.08.2008 18:20

ps 2; jari on ihan onnessaan ku sen joku naiskaveri on ostanu sille liput lauri tähkän konserttiin..........................................................
netti vaan ei toimi, ei toimi. __ei toimi__. jari toi mulle ylimääräsen modeeminsa mut eihän se ollu kaapelimodeemi. tulin ny sit jarille dataan [[ ja syömään ]]. oisin voinu soittaa elisan tukipalveluun, mut ne mun sopimus-tilausvahvistus-pissakakka-kusipaska-paperit on mummolassa ja mummu on just nyt oliko se jämsässä. yääää. no, maanantaina on vapaapäivä, sanon mummulle et ottaa paperit mukaansa et ku se töistä pääsee ni nappaan modeemin mukaani ja mennään elisaan ja ulistaan ihan täysiä et AIAIAIAJAJJAIAJIAI OIOIAIOIAIIII __AIIIIIIIIIII_____. niij

osaisin arvostaa sitä et ihmiset, tutut ja vähemmän tutut, olis muhun puhlulla yhteydessä [[ nummeron mainittin tossa kaverilistamerkinnässä toissapäivänäkö ]] ja tulis moikkaan mua ja silleen, mää en ite tykkää soittaa ku yhyhy soitonalottaminen yää :( mut siis joo ja mul on tylsää. ja joku syysmasis tulossa ku oon heti kotona vaan et ":(". ei oo kivaa. hv. MOICATCAA MUA ja anteeks etten ite osaa ku oon plelelealei


ps; mistä johtuu tämä 93-96-syntyneiden tulva kaverilistallani, mistä.

..........Perjantai 29.08.2008 21:47

mummu ja toi sen mies, reijo, kysy et onko mulla ees yhtään neulaa sitä varten et housuista irtoo nappi, sanoin et no eioo, ja tää reijo sit "no sun täytyy sit ottaa semmone mies jolla on neulaa ja lankaa :)"

.................................................................................................... ......... .... . . ... . .
tätä mieltä oon asiasta. tai siis kksaksdfllsahsydasujh

[[ antakaa mulle mies KGHAKFJSF okei siis joo. juu. joo ]]

haistakaa pimppaPerjantai 29.08.2008 20:14

siis joo tulin mummolaan dataan [[ ja syömään ]] ku mun netti __ei__ toimi. mun kone vaan näyttäis siltä et se hyljeksii mun modeemia nyt yhtäkkiä, nyyh!!!!! mummolassakaan ei oo enää sitä yhtä ylimäärästä modeemia et vois kokeilla auttaako vaihto. ja mulla on viel tommone vitun kaapelimodeemi. mut hv. hv. hv. HV !!!!11 yksi

koreanhorse pyys tsekkaan sjmhenryn youtubes

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 28.08.2008 02:42

tän päivän mieliala on kyllä ihan vitusta 8/ oon vaa huokaileva nyyh-hellyyZ-mytty, ja siis kun tää olotila on ehkä maailman naurettavin ikinä, saatana. ku ei mulla ees oo ollu tämmöstä olotilaa pitkään aikaan. MUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ni sit mää angstin kunniaks piirsin verisiä itseään viilteleviä kaneja, eikun siis tommosen vitun rumiluksen, vartti meni aikaa siihenki moro.

nyt meen nukkuun. tai no kohta ku toi yks lataus on tullu. mut n. 20 minuutin sisään kummiski.

ja niinTorstai 28.08.2008 01:21

jos kissat TÄNÄKIN YÖNÄ pitää omia jumalanpalveluksiaan vessassa ja kaatelee suihkutorneja [[ no vittu se metalline juttu mis on saippuoita jne ]] eikä anna mun nukkua vaan pakottaa mua ravaan veskissä karjumassa niille 7 kertaa yössä ni mää hirtän itteni naapurinmummun sukkanauhoilla. paitti että mun naapurissa ei asu mummoa, eli voi paska.

MUTTAJOO pöllin tämmösii janaitalta devistä, en jaksanu pastee LJ:hin et terve vaan;

1. Smoked. [ ]
2. Consumed alcohol. [x]
3. Slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex. [ ]
4. Slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex. [x]
5. Kissed someone of the same sex. [x]
6. Had sex. [...x]
7. Had someone in your room other than family. [x]
8. Watched porn. [x] [[ the plots! THE PLOTS ]]
9. Bought porn. [ ]
10. Done drugs. [ ]

1. Taken painkillers. [x]
2. Taken someone else's prescription medicine. [ ]
3. Lied to your parents. [x]
4. Lied to a friend. [x]
5. Been to rehab. [ ]
6. Done something illegal. [x]
7. Cut yourself. [x]
8. Hurt someone. [x]
9. Been to a club. [x]
10. Seen someone die. [ ] [[ how does this make one a bad person, I wonder ]]

1. Missed curfew. [x]
2. Stayed out all night. [x]
3. Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself. [x]
4. Been to a therapist. [x] [[ psychotherapist ]]
5. Snuck out of the house. [x]
6. Dyed your hair. [x]
7. Received a ticket. [ ]
8. Been in an accident. [ ]
9. Wished someone to die. [x]
10. Been to a bar. [x]

1. Been to a wild party. [ ]
2. Been to a Mardi Gras parade. [ ]
3. Drank more than four beers in a night. [ ] [[ I don't drink beer. HA HA HA ]]
4. Had a spring break in Florida. [ ]
5. Sniffed anything. [x] [[ I like sniffing kittens. and puppies. :C they have their own scent, just like babies. human babies just smell icky. ]]
6. Wore black nail polish. [x................................]
7. Wore arm bands. [x]
8. Wore t-shirts with band names. [x]
9. Listened to rap. [x] [[ not... you know..... seriously ]]
10. Owned a 50 Cent CD. [ ]

1. Dressed Gothic. [ ]
2. Dressed prep.[ ]
3. Dressed punk. [ ]
4. Dressed grunge. [ ]
5. Stole something. [x]
6. Been too drunk to remember anything. [ ]
7. Blacked out. [ ]
8. Fainted. [/]
9. Had a crush on a neighbor. [ ]

1. Snuck into someone else's room. [x]
2. Had a crush on your friend. [x]
3. Been to a concert. [x]
4. Dry-humped someone. [ ]
5. Been called a slut. [ ]
6. Called someone a slut. [x] [[ in my head though. hurr ]]
7. Installed speakers in your car.[ ]
8. Broken a mirror. [ ]
9. Showered at someone of the opposites sex's house. [?] [[ I really don't remember where I have and have not showered ]]
10. Brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush. [ ]

1. Consider/Considered Ludacris your favorite rapper. [ ]
2. Seen an R-rated movie in theater. [ ]
3. Cruised the mall. [x]
4. Skipped school. [x]
5. Had surgery. [ ]
6. Had an injury. [x]
7. Gone to court. [x]
8. Walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping. [ ]
9. Caught something on fire. [ ]
10. Lied about your age. [x] [[ easy - I look like twelve. ]]

1. Owned/rented an apartment.[x]
2. Broke the law in the police's presence. [ ]
3. Made out with someone who had a gf/bf. [ ]
4. Got in trouble with the police. [ ]
5. Talked to a stranger. [x]
6. Hugged a stranger. [ ]
7. Kissed a stranger. [ ]
8. Rode in the car with a stranger. [ ]
9. Been harassed. [x]
10. Been verbally harassed. [x]

1. Met face-to-face with someone you met online. [x]
2. Stayed online for 5 hours straight. [x]
3. Talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight. [ ]
4. Watched TV for 5 hours straight. [x]
5. Been to a fair. [x]
6. Been called a bad influence. [x]
7. Drink and drive. [ ]
8. Prank-called someone. [x]
9. Laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex. [ ] [[ am I missing out on life or something? Idk ]]
10. Cheated on a test. [ ]

TEST TOTAL: 45½ [[ unless I miscalculated, which is possible ]]

I'M VERY BAD INFLUENCE YA HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-If You Have Less Then 10.. write [I'm a Goody Goody.]
-If You Have More Than 10.. write [I'm still a goody goody.]
-If You Have more Than 20..write [I'm average.]
-If You Have More Than 30..write [I'm a bad kid.]
-If You have more than 40..write [I'm a very bad influence.]
-If You Have more than 50..write [I'm a horrible person.]

[ ] you have dry skin
[ ] you eat 1 meal
[ ] you're very weak
[x] you hate yourself
[ ] you starve yourself
[x] you have low self esteem
[ ] you use laxitives
[x] you need to be more skinny [[ no, I really do, I've gained weight. I can deel it when I have to dig for my hip bones through more-than-normal layers of FAT ]]
[ ] people always say you're skinny, but you think you're fat.
[ ] people think you are too skinny
Total: 3/10

[x] your mind is all over the place
[/] you are hyper most of the time
[x] you barely pay attention to anything
[x] you can't cooperate well
[ ] you talk all the time
[x] you need attention 24/7 [[ same with Jan - not getting it :c ]]
Total: 4½/6

[x] you can act wild at times then the next day you are depressed.
[x] you are very irratable
[/] you are anti social
[ ] you have very high self esteem sometimes
[ ] you are abusing alcohal, drugs, or sex
[x] you have thought of/attempted suicide [[ I was a dumb teenager, shhhhh. ]]
Total: 3½/6

[ ] you throw up all of your food.
[ ] you throw it up even when you don't feel sick.
[ ] you have no control over how you eat.
[ ] you use laxatives.
[ ] you have overly exercised to where you almost fainted/passed out.
[/] you always say you are fat, when you aren't. [[ I'm not... OBESE. but. enough to be gross. ]]
[ ] people think you a way too skinny
Total: ½/7

[ ] you are a bully.
[ ] you threaten other people.
[ ] you often find yourself in fights.
[ ] you have used a weapon that could cause injury to others.
[ ] you are cruel to humans and/or animals.
[ ] you have raped/molested someone.
[ ] you destroy property on purpose
[ ] you always lie.
[ ] you stay out all night.
[ ] you have ran away from home.
Total: 0/10

[ ] You are aways sad
[/] You find no hope in your future [[ SO NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 ]]
[x] You find no longer excitement over the activites you use to love.
[x] you always find yourself in bed/around the house all day
[x] You have low self esteem
[/] everything bad happens is always your fault
[ ] you always seem to be weak or have physical features hurt.
[?] You are failing school
[x] You have thought of/attepted suicide
[ ] you have ran away from home
[ ] Hope is no longer there for you
Total: 5?/11

[ ] You have daily rituals
[x] you have disturbing thoughts or thoughts you hate.
[x] you have to do a certain thing until it feels right.
[/] you have to keep things in a certain order.
[x] you have harmed yourself.
[x] you are afraid you will get a std, aids, or any kind of germs.
[x] you have to check some stuff over again
Total: 5½/7

[x] you repeatly have flashbacks of horrible moments/memories in your life.
[x] you repeatly have dreams of horrible moments/memories in your life.
[/] you sometimes think the event will happen again. [[ I realized this morning while on my way to school that I break in cold sweat whenever a big-sized man is near me and I see his FINGERS. seriously. there was this dude sitting next to me, wiggling his short big fingers and I was all AKLALSDLSFKSDF *inner hyperventilation* D: ]]
[x] you can be/are anti-social.
[/] you have lost interest in the things you used to love.
[x] You have not had a lot of sleep lately
[/] you worry about dying at a early age or dying at all.
[ ] you can have angry outbursts.
[x] You act younger than your age
Total: 6½/9

[ ] you often have hallucinations
[x] you have strange, unusual dreams or thoughts.
[/] you can be confused about reality and fantasy.
[x] you think people are always staring or talking about you.
[x] you have extreme anxiety or fearfullness.
[x] you have difficulty with relationships with faily, friends, and opposite sex.
[/] you do not take care of your hygiene like you should. [[ ..not ALWAYS. for example when it's weekend and I know I'll be home all alone. those times it just slips my mind. ]]
[x] you are very shy.
[xxxxxx] you often talk to yourself.
Total: 7/9


MUL ON HELLYYDENPUUSKIA. mut koirat ei tykkää musta nyt.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 27.08.2008 19:35

joku fani soitti tonne ja eeteuk ja eunhyuk puhu sen kans ihan vitun paskaa englantia ja musta tuntuu et voisin kierii mäkee alas

moKeskiviikko 27.08.2008 19:29

latasin kbs kong-playerin, rekkasin kbs:iin ja ny katon eeteukin ja eunhyukin kiss the radioo tässä livenä. vittu mistä määki taas onneni saan...............................................................................

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.08.2008 18:48

osa mun [[ ja annin ]] luokkalaisista tuntuu kyllä olevan, kun niien juttuja seuraa, NIIN ylimielisiä vitun just-äsken-peruskoulunsa-päättäneitä räkänokkateinejä että pistää ihan vihoiks. siis oikeesti, just semmonen pentulauma että ku opettaja - joka ei ees oo mikään ääliö - ehdottaa jotain, kysyy jotain, käskee jotain, ni nää tiksut vaan muljauttelee silmiään ja mutisee voivittua jne niinku opettajan sanat olis NIINQ MAAILMAN LAPSELLISIN ASIA DAAH. opettaja pistää jonkun näistä kirjaamaan jotain, sanoo että keskustelkaa mitä keksisitte syysmyyjäisiin ni minä meen luokasta pois että voitte rauhassa jutella, ja nää on et "nii varmaa" ja heittää muistikirjansa huithelevettiin ja alkaa kääriin sätkiä siinä. ei saatana. VIHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yksi jos en olis niin nössö en galtsuvineis vaan huutaisin suoraan niien naamalle et jumalauta mitä sakkia, minä tapoin mufasan.

mut yhet pienet pojat mun luokalta tossa liikuntatunnilla kävellessä selitti gazeten filth in the beauty-biisistä, ja olin vähä silleen "....................................." ku niien eessä kävelin. ei mulla sit ollu pokkaa käännähtää niihin päin sillee "KUUNTELETTEKSTE KASSEJA XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD". yhyy

latasin Titan A.E:n ja katon sen kohta eiku ei luen fikkejä eka, moro