


roadtrippin through the desert to get to nowhere

*A*Maanantai 17.08.2009 21:08


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 17.08.2009 20:10

saatanan hullut jahtaa mua P_P

i has bad feelings about thisSunnuntai 16.08.2009 22:06

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 16.08.2009 21:23

x= vähän
xx= kohtalaisesti
xxx= paljon

[ ] Achluophobia - Pimeän pelko
[x] Acrophobia - Korkeiden paikkojen pelko
[x] Agliophobia - Kivun pelko
[xx] Agoraphobia - Avointen paikkojen tai väkijoukon pelko
[ ] Aichmophobia - Turhien tai terävien esineiden pelko
[x] Amaxophobia - Autolla ajamisen pelko
[ ] Androphobia - Miesten pelko
[x] Anginophobia - Kurkkutulehduksen tai tukehtumisen pelko
[ ] Anthrophobia - Kukkien pelko
[xx] Anthropophobia - Ihmisten tai yhteiskunnan pelko
[x] Aphenphosmphobia - Koskettamiseksi tulemisen pelko
[x] Arachnophobia - Hämähäkkien pelko
[ ] Arithmophobia - Numeroiden pelko
[ ] Ataxophobia - Sekasorron tai siivottomuuden pelko
[ ] Atelophobia - Epätäydellisyyden pelko
[x] Atychiphobia - Epäonnistumisen pelko
[ ] Autophobia - Yksin olemisen pelko

[ ] Bacteriophobia - Bakteerien pelko
[ ] Barophobia - Painovoiman pelko
[ ] Bathmophobia - Rappusten pelko
[ ] Batrachophobia - Sammakkoeläinten pelko
[ ] Bibliophobia - Kirjojen pelko
[ ] Botanophobia - Kasvien pelko

[ ] Cacophobia - Rumuuden pelko
[ ] Catoptrophobia - Peilien pelko
[ ] Chionophobia - Lumen pelko
[ ] Chromophobia - Värien pelko
[ ] Chronomentrophobia - Kellojen pelko
[x] Claustrophobia - Ahtaiden/ suljettujen paikkojen pelko
[xxx] Coulrophobia - Klovnien pelko
[ ] Cyberphobia - Tietokoneiden pelko
[x] Cynophobia - Koirien pelko

[ ] Dendrophobia - Puiden pelko
[ ] Dentophobia - Hammaslääkärin pelko
[ ] Domatophobia - Talojen pelko
[x] Dystychiphobia - Onnettomuuksien pelko

[ ] Ecophobia - Kodin pelko
[ ] Elurophobia - Kissojen pelko
[ ] Ephebiphobia - Teinien pelko
[ ] Equinophobia - Hevosten pelko
[x] Egofobia - itsepelko

[ ] fagofobia = nielemisen pelko
[ ] fonofobia = äänien pelko
[ ] fotofobia = valokammo

[ ] Gamophobia - Avioliiton pelko
[ ] Genuphobia - Polvien pelko
[ ] Gynophobia - Naisten pelko

[ ] Heliophobia - Auringon pelko
[ ] Hemophobia - Veren pelko
[ ] Herpetophobia - Matelijoiden pelko
[ ] Homophobia - Homoseksuaalisuuden pelko
[ ] Hydrophobia - Veden pelko

[xxx] Iatrophobia - Lääkärien pelko
[ ] Insectophobia - Ötököiden pelko

[ ] Koinoniphobia - Huoneiden pelko

[ ] Leukophobia - Valkoisen värin pelko
[ ] Lilapsophobia - Tornadojen ja hurrikaanien pelko
[ ] Lockiophobia - Lapsen syntymän pelko

[ ] Mageirocophobia - Kokkaamisen pelko
[ ] Melanophobia - Mustan värin pelko
[ ] Microphobia - Pienten asioiden pelko
[ ] Mysophobia - Lian tai alkioiden pelko

[xx] Necrophobia - Kuoleman ja kuolleiden asioiden pelko
[ ] Noctiphobia - Yön pelko
[xxx] Nosocomephobia - Sairaaloiden pelko

[ ] Octophobia - Kahdeksikon pelko
[ ] Ombrophobia - Sateen pelko
[x] Ophidiophobia - Käärmeiden pelko
[ ] Ornithophobia - Lintujen pelko

[ ] Papyrophobia - Paperin pelko
[x] Parastitaphobia - Loisten pelko
[x] Pathophobia - Sairauksien pelko
[ ] Pedophobia - Lasten pelko
[ ] Philophobia - Rakkauden pelko
[x] Phobophobia - Pelossa olemisen pelko
[ ] Podophobia - Jalkojen pelko
[ ] Porphyrophobia - Violetin värin pelko
[ ] Pteridophobia - Saniaisten pelko
[ ] Pteromerhanophobia - Lentämisen pelko
[x] Pyrophobia - Tulen pelko

[ ] Scolionophobia - Koulun pelko
[ ] Selenophobia - Kuun pelko
[ ] Somniphobia - Nukkumisen pelko

[ ] Tachophobia - Vauhdin pelko
[ ] Technophobia - Tekniikan pelko
[ ] Trypanophobia - Ruiskeiden pelko

[ ] Venustraphobia - Kauniiden naisten pelko
[ ] Wiccaphobia - Noitien ja noituuden pelko
[ ] Xenophobia - Vieraiden pelko
[ ] Zoophobia - Eläinten pelko


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 16.08.2009 03:26

rökittää mansonin videot mennen tullen.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 16.08.2009 02:51

I repeated it for a long time. I made you sad for a long time.
I must have hurt you. Now I still cannot move.
Why is it so painful to touch you?
I think it is because I was afraid of making the same mistake and losing you.

I tried to recover the unforgettable days to stay close to each other.
You hold my hand without asking anything.

Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you areÂ…

I love you so much that I forget any suffering.
My heart feels pain every time I count the days we cannot meet.

The loneliness is piling up. Please donÂ’t cry alone.
Even if we are so far away, we can believe each other.

I wish to smile as it is. I donÂ’t want you to hurt yourself.
I don't want to repeat such feelings, which have kept fading each time.
Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Please, only look at me. Please, donÂ’t let our hands separate.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you areÂ…

nice :"DLauantai 15.08.2009 20:26

oh he treats me with respect he says he loves me all the time
he calls me fifteen times a day he likes to make sure that I'm fine
you know I've never met a man whose made me feel quite so secure
hes not like all them other boys they're all so dumb and immature

there's just one thing that's getting in the way
when we go up to bed you're just not good it's such a shame
I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
and then you make this noise and its apparent it's all over

it's not fair and I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
yes I think you're really mean

oh you're supposed to care but you never make me scream
you never make me scream

oh it's not fair and it's really not ok
it's really not ok
it's really not ok

oh you're supposed to care but all you do is take
all you do is take

well I lie here in the wet patch in the middle of the bed
I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by, I spent ages giving head
then I remember all the nice things that you've ever said to me
maybe I'm just overreacting, maybe you're the one for me

there's just one thing that's getting in the way
when we go up to bed you're just not good it's such a shame
I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
and then you make this noise and its apparent it's all over

it's not fair and I think your really mean
I think you're really mean
yes I think you're really mean

oh your supposed to care but you never make me scream
you never make me scream

oh it's not fair and it's really not ok
it's really not ok
it's really not ok

oh you're supposed to care but all you do is take
all you do is take

there's just one thing that's getting in the way
when we go up to bed you're just not good it's such a shame
I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
and then you make this noise and its apparent it's all over

it's not fair and I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
yes I think your really mean

oh you're supposed to care but you never make me scream
you never make me scream

oh it's not fair and it's really not ok
it's really not ok
it's really not ok

oh you're supposed to care but all you do is take
all you do is take

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.08.2009 15:38

vähänkö sain orgasmin ku katoin metallican livekeikkaa eilen >3<

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.08.2009 00:19

O.O ymmärrän kyl miks te immeiset tyksitte näistä.. uppeita! >_> jos ois rahaa, jos ois rahaa